Thursday, October 26, 2006

Camus maintains that revolution, and various sorts of struggles for autonomy are predictable features of human subsistence, but first and for most we have to study the restrictions to avoid having these venerable quests evolve into despotism. Philosophy, especially from a Marxist point of view, is perplexing and profoundly wordy in some cases. However, deeply embedded in the economic theories and philosophical doctrines of Marxist writers are the answers to proletariat liberation and socialist utopia. Socialism contributes a lot to society: motivates the subaltern to change its depressing human conditions and exhibits how socialism is moral.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are officially one week overdue for a post. If I check your blog one more day and find nothing new, I'm unlinking you!

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, we want more pictures of communists with facial hair! ;)

12:37 AM  

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